Our Members

A word from our President

Hey there! My name is Ava Bennett, and I am honored to serve as the president of the Omicron chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon (AΩE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison! I am currently a junior pursuing a double major in Industrial Engineering and Data Science as well as a certificate in Computer Sciences. Outside of classes and AΩE, you can find me working at the DoIT Help Desk, curled up at home with a book, taking care of my houseplants, or getting competitive playing Wii Sports Resort!

After graduating high school, I was very skeptical of Greek life. Was this going to be crazy like the movies I’ve seen on TV? Would I even be the type of person that they were looking for? were a few of the questions I asked myself. But like most things in life, I was willing to give it a chance and I joined in Fall 2021.

During my time as a sister, I can confidently say that this organization has cultivated a unique community of driven, intelligent, and welcoming members. It has been inspiring to learn about each person’s different passions and strengths. AΩE has helped myself and others connect as classmates, roommates, and lifelong friends. These are people who stand beside you during challenging times and joyfully celebrate your triumphs.

It is also incredibly refreshing to have a group of people who just get it when it comes to being an underrepresented gender in STEM. Many AΩE sisters have also experienced being a minority in their respective fields, be it in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Having a community of people who can empathize and relate with has been something incredibly uplifting and motivational. AΩE will always be here, regardless of the circumstances or stereotypes around us.

Through AΩE’s values of friendship, leadership, and professionalism, we strive to create a community of well-rounded individuals. We have a variety of events and initiatives to give our members the opportunity to grow as people and students. There are also a handful of leadership positions available as early as your first semester as a sister!

If you are interested in joining us, feel free to contact us with any questions! We are excited to meet you :)

In friendship, leadership, and professionalism,

Ava Bennett

President, Omicron Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon